Chapter 5: Telegraphy
1. What are telegraphy's strengths as a medium? How do these compare to the then existing media forms?
The telegraph's strengths as a medium was the ability to send messages instantly to anyone in the world. The telegraph made it easier to communicate with people from great distances. This medium is just an earlier invention that contributed to the idea of the telephone. Which also stemed to the invention of other forms of communication like mail, email, and other ways of conversing with people across the world.
2. What are some of the reasons that telegraphy was so distrusted?
The reason telegraphy was so distrusted was because at that time this medium had the ability to commuicate in such a speed that no one could even imagine. Who knows what information could have got lost in the transfer of this data. Who knows who was also receiving such private information. In someways it was a big risk to take with communicating information. Information that could have been altered in the process or not even received by the receiver they're many variables.
3. Levinson discusses the introduction of “noise” into our various systems media forms. Explain what he means by “noise” in the system and discuss some examples of media systems and the way “noise” is introduced.
Levinson talks about how noise is being introduced in some media forms and the possibility information being lost between representation and original in the system. Dolby sound systems provide clearer, if less "punchy", sound. But concern over possible loss of meaning in one form or another.
4. What roles did the telegraph play in increasing more immediate/instantaneous public awareness of events around the world? How did the press evolve with the use of the telegraph?
The invention of the telegraph made it easier to not only deliver but aware the public about important news going on around the world in a timely matter. The telegraph provided a more close connection with what was happening across the public. It kept the public alert and updated on events going on around the world. The press certainly became more established with the use of the telegraph which gave birth to telegraph companies, And through years at a time information dispersed from the company became trusted.
Chapter 6: Telephone
5. In your own words, Explain and describe Levinson's term “anthropotropic”.
Technologies work better when they respect the nature of the human body and the human mind. Alternatively, as media evolve they replicate human characteristics, behavior and/or adapt to them.
6. Why hasn't video phone taken off ? What is Levinson's stance on the video phone? Would/do you use a video phone? Explain your answers fully.
The video phone hasnt taken off because there is to little to no sign of demand for it. Levinson's stance on it is that the video phone has yet to provide an alternative to the telephone in the way that television has for radio. Meaning the video phone has yet to come up with a better way to communicate. I dont use a video phone.
7. What is the telephone's main strengths over any other existing forms of media? What power does the telephone have over people?
The telephone not only has informational access to out homes, but extraordinary purchase on our attention.
8. Explain what Levinson means by “remedial media.” Give an example of a remedial media that was developed recently in communication media.
Remedial media is how humans can rationally design technologies to reduce problems of other technologies.
9. Levinson describes how the telephone promotes a level of intrusion beyond other media. Does this still hold true? In what ways has telephone technology been adapted since Levinson wrote this to reduce or increase this intrusion?
Yes this still holds true cause the telephone is what we use to connect so its like we rely on the telephone so much that it dictates our actions. Its the one interuption that is hard to avoid. We use the telephone for sexual activities, we use it to ease drop on conversations, we use it to access all kinds of hidden information.