Monday, November 7, 2011

Week 6 Questions

Chapter 9: Survival of the Media Fit

1. What were the years before T.V. Like for radio? What types of content was provided?

Before television most companies were advertised by radio broadcast. Celebrities relied a great deal on getting there music out there through this media medium. Radio was the largest medium of its time for showcasing anything live.

2. Explain the economic impact of T.V. On radio.

Television did all the same things that radio did only better. It was a lot more profitable for advertising movies and comericials.

3. What is the economic model for both radio and T.V.?

The economic model for radio and television is providing the audience with entertainment, news, and information about whats happening in the world.

4. In the brief description of film history, Levinson discusses the work of D.W. Griffith, Sergi Eisenstein, and Lev Kuleshov. What methods did they use to help develop a visual vocabulary for film?

5. Technology alone was not the sole savior of radio. Explain the roll of Rock and Roll in radio's transformation.

Rock n' Roll was the radios savior. Back in the 1940's when technology gained capacity not only to record musical performance, but improve them in the recording process. Sound could now be the same as listening to a concert live versus listening to it through the radio. Rock n' Roll was new and hip and was greatly accepted by young teens which brought a larger audience to listening to the radio more.

6. “Talkies”, replaced silent films entirely, but T.V. Did not replace radio, why?

Radio survived because it trumped its competition from the very beginning it satisfied, approximated, literally spoke to, a basic pattern of human communication.

Chapter 10: Remedial Media

7. In your own words describe Levinson's parable of the window shade as remedial media.

The level of noise in the final iteration can be so low that the case for further remediation is effectively closed.

8. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the VCR as a remedial medium.


  • The VCR gave viewers of television a mechanism for both retrieval and anticipation of programming .


  • Television advertisers paid money to television networds and stations for potential viewers of their ads, they had no way of knowing if a human being or a video recorder was at the recieving end, and if a video recorder, if the people who later watched it did not "fast forward" right past all the commercials making television advertisers loose audience and possible revenue.

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